常用中药与经典方 中英对照 图表解【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 赵一,王乃平,(德国)迪·顾·库莫尔主编 著
- 出版社: 北京:科学技术文献出版社
- ISBN:7502357718
- 出版时间:2007
- 标注页数:188页
- 文件大小:39MB
- 文件页数:208页
- 主题词:中药材-表解
常用中药与经典方 中英对照 图表解PDF格式电子书版下载
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上篇第一章 解表药 Herbs that Release Exterior Conditions辛温解表药 Warm,Acrid Herbs3
麻黄 Herba Ephedrae3
桂枝 Ramulus Cinnamomi4
紫苏 Folium Perillae4
生姜 Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens5
防风 Radix Saposhinkoviae5
白芷 Radix Angelicae Dahuricae6
荆芥 Herba Schizonepeta6
辛凉解表药 Cool,Acrid Herbs7
薄荷 Herba Menthae7
桑叶 Folium Mori7
菊花 Flos Chrysanthimi8
葛根 Radix Puerarine8
柴胡 Radix Bupleuri9
第二章 清热药 Herbs that Clear Heat清热泻火药 Herbs that Quell Fire11
知母 Radix Anemarrhenae11
芦根 Rhizoma Phragmitis11
天花粉 Radix Trichosanthis12
栀子 Fructus Gardeniae12
夏枯草 Spica Prunellae13
清热燥湿药 Herbs that Clear Heat and Dry Dampness13
黄芩 Radix Scutellaria13
黄连 Rhizoma Coptidis14
黄柏 Cortex Phellodendri14
龙胆草 Radix Gentianae15
清热凉血药 Herbs that Clear Heat and Cool the Blood15
玄参 Radix Scrophularine15
牡丹皮 Cortex Moutan16
生地黄 Radix Rehmanniae16
清热解毒药 Herbs that Clear Heat and Poisons17
金银花 Flos Lonicerae17
连翘 Fructus Forsythiae17
大青叶 Folium Isatidis18
射干 Rhizoma Belamcandae18
土茯苓 Rhizoma Smilacis abrae19
穿心莲 Herba Andrographis19
蒲公英 Herba Taraxaci20
紫花地丁 Herba Violae20
白花蛇舌草 Herba Hedyotidis Diffusea21
败酱草 Herba Patrinae21
板蓝根 Radix Isatidis22
鱼腥草 Herba Houttuyniac22
清虚热药 Herbs that Clear Deficient Heat23
青蒿 Herba Artemisiae23
地骨皮 Cortex Lycii23
第三章 泻下药 Downward Draining Herbs攻下药 Purgatives24
大黄 Rhizoma Rhei24
润下药 Moist Laxatives25
火麻仁 Fructus Cannabis25
郁李仁 Semen Pruni25
峻下逐水药 Harsh Expellants26
甘遂 Radix Kansui26
巴豆 Fructus Crotonis26
第四章 祛风湿药 Herbs that Expel Wind Dampness独活 Radix Aangclicae Pubescentis27
威灵仙 Radix Clematidis28
秦艽 Radix Gentianae Macrophyllae28
木瓜 Fructus Chaenomelis29
桑寄生 Herba Visci29
五加皮 Cortex Acanthopanaci30
桑枝 Ramulus Mori30
第五章 芳香化湿药 Aromatic Herbs that Transform Dampness苍术 Rhizoma Atractylodis31
厚朴 Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis32
藿香 Herba Pogostemonis32
砂仁 Fructus Amomi33
第六章 利水渗湿药 Herbs that Drain Dampness茯苓 Poriae34
泽泻 Rhizoma Alismatis35
薏苡仁 Semen Coicis35
车前子 Semen Plantaginis36
木通 Caulis Aristolochiae Manshuriensis36
金钱草 Herba Lysimachiae37
茵陈蒿 Herba Artemisiae Capiliaris37
第七章 温里药 Herbs that Warm the Interior附子 Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata38
干姜 Rhizoma zingiberis39
肉桂 Cortes Cinnamomi39
吴茱萸 Fructus Evodiae40
细辛 Herba Asari40
高良姜 Rhizoma Alpiniae Officinarum41
第八章 行气药 Herbs that Regulate the Qi陈皮 Pericarpium Reticulatae42
枳实 Fructus Aurantii Immaturus43
佛手 Fructus Cirri Saracodactylis43
木香 Radix Aussureae44
香附 Rhizoma Cyperi44
乌药 Radix Linderae45
沉香 Lignum Aquilariae Resinatum45
川楝子 Fructus Toosendan46
第九章 消食药 Herbs that Relieve Food Stangation山楂 Fructus Crataegi47
第十章 驱虫药 Herbs that Expel Parasites使君子 Fructus Quisqualis48
槟榔 Semen Arecae49
南瓜子 Semen Cucurbitae Moschatae49
第十一章 止血药 Herbs that Stop Bleeding凉血止血药 Herbs that Cool Blood and Stop Bleeding50
大蓟 erbaCirsii50
地榆 Radix Sanguisorbae51
槐花 Flos Sophorae51
白茅根 Rhizoma Imperatae52
收敛止血药 Herbs that Used as Astrigent to Stop Bleeding52
紫珠 Folium Callicarpae52
仙鹤草 Herba Agrimoniae53
化瘀止血药 Herbs that Disperse Congealed Blood and Stop Bleeding53
三七 Radix Notoginseng53
茜草 Radix Rubiae54
温经止血药 Herbs that Warm the Channels and Stop Bleeding54
艾叶 Folium Artemisiae Argyi54
第十二章 活血祛瘀药 Herbs that Invigorate the Blood川芎 Rhizoma Uaxiong55
延胡索 Rhizoma Corydalis56
郁金 Radix Curcumae56
莪术 Rhizoma Curcumae57
丹参 Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae57
虎杖 Rhizoma Polygoni Cuspidati58
益母草 Herba Leonuri58
鸡血藤 Caulis Spatholobi59
桃仁 Semen Persicae59
红花 Flos Carthami60
牛膝 Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae60
第十三章 化痰止咳平喘药 Herbs that Transform Phlegm and Stop Couhing温化寒痰药 Herbs that Warm and Transform Cold Phlegm61
半夏 Rhizoma Pinelliae61
天南星 Rhizoma Arisaematis62
清化热痰药 Herbs that Clear and Transform Hot Phlegm62
桔梗 Radix Platycodi62
瓜蒌 Fructus Trichosanthis63
贝母 Bulbus Fritillarae Cirrhosae63
前胡 Radix Pecucedani64
止咳平喘药 Herbs that Stop Coughing and Wheezing64
杏仁 Semen Armeniacae Amarum64
百部 Radix Stemonae65
紫菀 Radix Asteris65
款冬花 Flos Farfarae66
桑白皮 Cortex Mori66
白果 Semen Ginkgo67
第十四章 安神药 Substances that Calm the Spirit酸枣仁 Semen Ziziphi Spinosae68
远志 Radix Polygalae69
第十五章 平肝熄风药 Substances that Extinguish Wind and Stop Tremors熄风药 Substances that Extinguish Wind70
钩藤 Ramulus Uncariae70
天麻 Rhizoma Gastrodiae71
潜阳药 Substances that Sedate the Ascendant Liver Yang71
罗布麻 Folium Apocyni Veneti71
第十六章 开窍药 Substances that Open the Orifices石菖蒲 Rhizoma Acori Graminei72
第十七章 补益药 Tonifying Herbs补气药 Herbs that Tonify the Qi74
人参 Radix Ginseng74
党参 Radix Condonopsis74
太子参 Radix Pseudostellariae75
黄芪 Radix Astragali75
白术 Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae76
山药 Rhizoma Dioscoreae76
甘草 Radix Glycyrrhizae77
补阳药 Herbs that Tonify the Yang77
肉苁蓉 Herba Cistanches77
杜仲 Cortex Eucommiae78
续断 Radix Dipsaci78
补骨脂 Fructus Psoraleae79
冬虫夏草 Cordyceps79
菟丝子 Semen Cuscutae80
淫羊藿 Herba Epimedii80
补血药 Herbs that Tonify the Blood81
当归 Radix Angelicae Sinensis81
熟地黄 Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae81
何首乌 Radix Polygoni Multiflori82
白芍 Radix Paeoniae Alba82
龙眼肉 Arillus Longan83
补阴药 Herbs that Tonify the Yin83
沙参 Radix Glehniae83
麦门冬 Radix Ophipogonis84
石斛 Herba Dendrobii84
百合 Bulbus Lilii85
黄精 Rhizoma Polygnati85
枸杞子 Fructus Lycii86
桑椹 Fructus Mori86
墨旱莲 Herba Ecliptae87
女贞子 Fructus Ligustri Lucidi87
黑芝麻 Semen Sesami Nigrum88
罗汉果 Fructus Momordicae88
第十八章 收涩药 Astringent Herbs五味子 Fructus Schisandrae89
乌梅 Fructus Mume90
麻黄根 Radix Ephedrae90
浮小麦 Semen Tritici Aestivi91
诃子 Fructus Chebulae91
莲子 Semen Nelumbinis92
山茱萸 Fructus Corni92
金樱子 Fructus Rosae Laevigatae93
第十九章 抗癌药 Anticancer Herbs土香榧 Folium Cephalotaxus94
野百合 Herba Crotalaria95
长春花 Herba Catharanthus95
喜树 Fructus Camptothecae96
第二十章 外用药 Substances for External Application大蒜 Bulbus Alli Sativi97
蛇床子 Fructus Cnidii97
血竭 Sanguis Draconis98
下篇方剂的组成 Formation of a Prescription101
方剂的剂型 Pharmacy of a Prescription102
煎服法 Methods of Decocting and Taking Drugs103
1.解表方 Formulas to Releasing the Exterior106
麻黄汤 Mahuang Tang(Dec.of Ephedra Co.)107
桂枝汤 Gui Zhi Tang(Dec.of Cinnanmon twings Co.)108
桑菊饮 Sang Ju Yin(Dec.of Mulberry Leaf and Chrysanthemum Co.)109
银翘散或汤 Yin Qiao San or Tang(Powder or Dec.of Lonicera Flower and Forsythia Co.)110
麻杏石甘汤 Maxing Shigan Tang(Dec.of Ephedra,Apricot Seed,Gypsum and Licorice Co.)111
2.泻下方 Purgative Formulas112
大承气汤 Da Cheng Qi Tang(Drastic Purgative Dec.)113
温脾汤 Wenpi Tang(Dec.to Warm the Spleen)114
十枣汤 Shizao Tang(Dec.of Ten Jujube Co.)115
麻子仁丸或汤 Maziren Wan or Tang(Pills or Dec.of Cannabis Seed Co.)116
3.和解方 Mediation Formulas117
小柴胡汤 Xiao Chaihu Tang(Dec.of Little Bupleurum Co.)118
逍遥散或汤 Xiaoyao San or Tang(The Ease Powder of Dec.)119
半夏泻心汤 Banxia Xiexin Tang(Dec.of Pinellia Tuber Co.to Clear Heat in the Heart)120
4.清热方 Formulas for Clearing Heat121
白虎汤 Baihu Tang(Dec.of White Tiger Gypsum Co.)122
清营汤 Qing Ying Tang(Dec.to Dispel Pathogenic Heat from Yin System)123
黄连解毒汤 Huanglian Jiedu Tang(Dec.of Coptis Co.to Release Toxins)124
青蒿鳖甲汤 Qinghao Biejia Tang(Dec.of Sweet Worm Wood and Tortoise Shell)125
龙胆泻肝汤 Longdan Xiegan Tang(Dec.of Chinese Gentiana Co.to Purge Liver Fire)126
5.祛寒方 Formulas to Dispel Cold127
理中丸或汤 Li Zhong Wan or Tang(Pills or Dec.to Regulate the Middle Jiao Spleen and Stomach)128
四逆汤 Sini Tang(Dec.to Treat Cold Limbs)129
当归四逆汤 Danggui Sini Tang(Dec.of Chinese Angelica Co.to Treat Cold Limbs)130
6.补益方 Tonic Formulas131
四君子汤 Si Junzi Tang(The Four Noble Ingredients Dec.)132
补中益气汤 Buzhong Yiqi Tang(Dec.for Reinforcing the Middle-warmer and Replentishing Qi)133
四物汤 Si Wu Tang(The Four Ingredients Dec.)134
六味地黄丸或汤 Liuwei Dihuang Wan or Tang(Pills or Dec.of Six Ingredients with Rehmannia Co.)135
肾气丸或汤 Shenqi Wan or Tang(Pills or Dec.for Tonifying Qi of the Kidneys)136
7.固涩方 Astringent Formulas137
玉屏风散或汤 Yu Pingfeng San or Tang(The Jade Screen Powder or Dec.)138
九仙散或汤 Jiu Xian San or Tang(The Nine Ingredients Powder or Dec.)139
四神丸或汤 Sishen Wan or Tang(Pills or Dec.of Four Miraculous Ingredients)140
8.安神方 Formulas for Traquilizing the Mind141
安神丸或汤 Anshen Wan or Tang(Pills or Dec.to Smooth the Mind)142
酸枣仁汤 Suan Zaoren Tang(Dec.of Wild Jujube Seed Co.)143
9.复苏方 Formulas to Promote Resuscitation144
安宫牛黄丸 Angong Niuhuang Wan(Ox Gallstone Resurrection Pills)145
苏合香丸 Suhexiang Wan(Pills Oriental Sweetgum Resin)146
10.理气方 Qi Formulas(Formulas for Regulating Qi)147
越鞠丸或汤 Yue Ju Wan or Tang(Pills or Dec.to Remove Stagnation)148
苏子降气汤 Suzi Jiang Qi Tang(Dec.of Perilla Seed Co.to Descend Qi)149
11.理血方 Blood Formulas(Formulas for Treating Blood Disorders)150
桃(核)仁承气汤 Taoren Cheng Qi Tang(Dec.of Peach Seed Co.)150
四生丸或汤 Sisheng Wan or Tang(Pills or Dec.of Four Fresh Ingredients)151
12.治风方 Formulas for Treating Wind152
消风散或汤 Xiao Feng San or Tang(Powder or Dec.to Dispel Wind)153
镇肝熄风汤 Zhengan Xifeng Tang(Dec.to Subdue Endogenous Wind in the Liver)154
13.治燥方 Formulas for Treating Dryness155
杏苏散或汤 Xing Su San or Tang(Powder of Apricot Seed and Perilla Leaf Co.)156
养阴清肺汤 Yangyin Qingfei Tang(Dec.to Nourish Yin and Clear Heat in the Lungs)157
14.祛湿方 Formulas for Dispelling Dampness158
藿香正气散或汤 Huoxiang Zheng Qi San or Tang(Powder or Dec.of Agastache Co.to Regulate Qi)159
茵陈蒿汤 Yinchenhao Tang(Dec.of Capillaris Co.)160
五苓散或汤 Wu Ling San or Tang(Powder or Dec.of Five Ingredients with Poria)161
苓桂术甘汤 Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang(Dec.of Poria,Cinnamon Twigs,White Atractylodes and Licorice)162
羌活胜湿汤 Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang(Dec.of Notopterygium Root Co.to Eliminate Dampness)163
15.祛痰方 Formulas to Expel Phlegm164
二陈汤 Er Chen Tang(Dec.of Two Old Ingredients)165
清气化痰丸或汤 Qingqi Huatan Wan or Tang(Pills or Dec.to Clear Qi and Resolve Phlegm)166
贝母瓜蒌散或汤 Beimu Gualou San or Tang(Powder or Dec.of Fritillary Bulb and Trichosanthes Co.)167
苓甘五味姜辛汤 Ling Gan Wuwei Jiang Xin Tang(Dec.of Poria,Licorice,Schisandra Fruit,Dried Ginger and Asarum)168
半夏白术天麻汤 Banxia Baizhu Tianma Tang(Dec.of Pinellia Tuber,White Atractylodes,and Gastrodia Tuber)169
16.消导方 Digestive Formulas170
保和丸或汤 Baohe Wan or Tang(Pills or Dec.to Keep in Good Digestive Condition)171
健脾丸或汤 Jianpi Wan or Tang(Pills or Dec.to Strengthen the Spleen)172
附录一 中药附录 A List of Applicable Chinese Herbal Medicine173
附录二 方剂英文索引 English Index to the Recipes178
附录三 方剂中文索引 Chinese Index to the Recipes180
附录四 方剂拼音索引 Spell(Phonetic)Index to the Recipes182
附录五 防治疾病的方剂 Formulas for Preventing and Treating Diseases184
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