
- 王振会,许先文,李霞等编 著
- 出版社: 北京:气象出版社
- ISBN:7502944079
- 出版时间:2007
- 标注页数:284页
- 文件大小:10MB
- 文件页数:297页
- 主题词:防雷-英语-高等学校-教学参考资料
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Unit 1 General Introduction 总论1
1 A Brief Description of Lightning and Lightning Protection 简述雷电及其防护1
2 Lightning and Thunder 闪电与雷声4
3 Lightning Damage to Tall Structures 雷电对高大建筑物的破坏8
4 Are There Any Other Causes Resulting in Surges and Spikes Besides Lightning? 除雷电外,还有其它原因会引起浪涌和刺波吗?10
5 Surge Voltage Protection 浪涌电压保护12
6 An Elaboration on Lightning and Lightning Protection 详述雷电及其防护15
Unit 2 Basic Features of Lightning 雷电基本特征23
7 What is the Earth's Charge and What Charges the Earth? 什么是地球的电荷?什么使地球带电的?23
8 Thundercloud's Electrical Structure 雷雨云的电结构25
9 Is Friction the Cause of Static Buildup Which Leads to Lightning? 摩擦是静电累积并引起闪电的原因吗?28
10 When Does Lightning Occur? 雷电什么时间出现31
11 Some Facts on Lightning 有关雷电的一些事实34
12 Does Lightning Go Up or Down? 闪电通道的形成是自上而下还是自下而上?36
13 Differentiation of Flash,Stroke,Strike,and Bolt “闪电”、“闪击”等术语涵义的差别39
14 How Are Strokes Classified? 闪击是如何分类的?42
15 Electromagnetic Properties of a Lightning Discharge 雷电的电磁特性44
16 Lighthing Effects on the Chemistry of the Atmosphere 雷电的大气化学效应47
17 Is Lightning Attracted to Water or Other Objects on the Ground? 地面上的水或其他物体会“吸引”雷电吗?52
18 Do Rain Forests Get Thunderstorms? 热带雨林中有闪电吗?53
19 Formation of Winter Thunderclouds and Main Characteristics of Natural Winter Lightning 冬季雷雨云的形成以及冬季闪电的主要特点54
20 Cloud Discharges 云闪57
21 On the Utilization of Lightning Energy 关于雷电能量的利用60
22 How Surge Voltages Occur in Power and Data Lines? 供电线路与数据线路中的浪涌电压是如何产生的?63
Unit 3 Lightning Damages and Risk Assessment 雷电危害与风险评估67
23 Basic Mechanisms of Lightning Damage 雷电危害的基本机制67
24 Do All People Die After Being Striken by Lightning? 受雷击者都会死吗?70
25 How Close to a Thunderstorm Can You be and Remain Safe? 人与雷暴之间的安全距离有多远?72
26 Is It Necessary to Evacuate a Pool During Lightning? 雷电期间需要对游泳池清场吗?74
27 Why Should People in Florida Understand the Phenomena of Lightning? 为什么在佛罗里达的人们应该多了解闪电?76
28 Where Most Often Would the Lightning Strike If It Does Strike? 哪里最经常遭受雷击?78
29 How Can You Determine the Necessity of Lightning Protection? 如何确定雷电防护的必要性?80
30 Damages to a Structure due to Lightning 雷电对建筑物的危害82
31 Damages to a Service due to Lightning 雷电对服务设施的危害85
32 How Many Types of Loss and Risk Are There due to Damage Caused by Lightning? 雷电危害引起的损失和风险有哪些形式?88
33 Why Is Risk Assessment Required? 为什么需要风险评估?89
34 Data Required for the Assessment of Risk 风险评估需要的资料91
Unit 4 Regulations on Lightning Protection 雷电防护规范93
35 The Original 1449 Standard and Its Revision “1449标准”原版及其修订版93
36 What Are Included and What Are Not Included in the Mentioned Standard? 所述标准中,包含哪些内容、不包含哪些内容?96
37 What Are the IEEE Requirements for Protectors and How Can We Warrant Them Forever? IEEE对保护器的要求是什么?如何保证?97
38 How to Choose Materials and Dimensions of an External Lightning Protection System? 如何为外部防雷系统选择材料及其尺寸?99
39 How to Identify the Structure or the Service to Be Protected? 如何鉴别需要防雷的建筑物和服务设施?101
40 How Are Structures and Services Classified? 如何进行建筑物和服务设施分类?103
41 Rolling-Sphere Method 滚球法105
Unit 5 Lightning Protection Techniques 雷电防护技术107
42 How Can I Protect My Home Computer,TV and Other Electronics from Lightning and How Can I Protect Myself? 如何进行家电防雷和人身防雷?107
43 Lightning Protection Design for Diversion and Shielding 基于分流与屏蔽的雷电防护设计110
44 Lightning Protection Design for Limiting Currents and Voltages 基于限流与限压的雷电防护设计112
45 Faraday Cage 法拉第笼114
46 Proper Grounding for Primary Telephone Protector 电话保护器的正确接地116
47 Why Are All Grounding Electrodes Bonded Together to Form a Single Building Ground? 为什么要把所有的接地极连接在一起形成建筑物的统一接地?117
48 What May Occur When a Lightning-Induced Power Surge Is Coupled into Your Computer Equipment? 雷电引起的电源浪涌对计算机设备的影响可能有哪些?119
49 Does My Home Theater Really Need Surge Protection? 家庭影院也需要浪涌保护吗?121
50 How to Minimize Lightning Strike Damage to Boaters? 如何减少雷击对船上人员的危害?123
51 How to Make Boats Lightning-Protected? 如何进行船只防雷?124
52 What is the Main and Most Effective Protection Measure for Protection of Structures Against Direct Lightning Flashes? 建筑物直击雷防护的最有效的主要措施是什么?127
53 How Are Buildings Protected from Indirect Effects? 怎样对建筑物进行雷电间接效应防护?129
54 Why Is Grounding for Cable TV and Satellite System Antennas Very Important? 为什么有线电视和卫星系统天线接地非常重要?131
55 What Is a Ground Loop and What Is a Ground Hum? 什么叫“接地环路”、什么叫接地噪声?133
56 Why Do You Need Lightning Protection for Electronic Dog Fences? 为什么电子护栏系统需要防雷?134
57 Lightning and Airborne Vehicles 闪电与飞机136
58 Introduction to the Book“Lightning Protection of Aircraft” 《飞机防雷》一书介绍139
59 How to Protect an Aircraft from Lightning? 如何进行飞机防雷?142
60 Artificial Initiation 人工引雷144
Unit 6 Lightning Protective Systems and Apparatus 雷电防护系统与器件148
61 What Kind of Measures Should Be Adopted for Lightning Protection? 防雷需要采取什么样的措施?148
62 Residential Lightning Protective Systems 居家防雷系统150
63 Why Commercial and Public Facilities Need Lightning Protection Systems? 为什么商贸公用设施需要防雷系统?152
64 How Do Lightning Protection Systems Work? 防雷系统(LPS)工作原理153
65 How to Use Lightning Protection Devices to Protect Equipments from Lightning 如何使用雷电防护装置进行设备的雷电防护?156
66 What is the General Principle of an Air Terminal and Should an Air Terminal Be Sharp or Blunt? 接闪器的工作原理是什么?它应该是尖的还是钝的?159
67 Does a Lightning Dissipater Prevent a Lightning Strike Altogether? 消闪器可以防止闪击吗?160
68 Which Part of a Structure Can Be Considered as"Natural"Component of an LPS? 建筑物的哪一部分可以作为LPS的天然部分?162
69 Functions of an Internal Lightning Protection System 内部防雷系统的功能165
70 Surge Protectors,Surge Arresters and Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors 浪涌保护器、浪涌放电器和瞬变电压浪涌抑制器166
71 How Long Does an MOV(Metal Oxide Varistor)in Surge Protector Last? 浪涌保护器中的金属氧化物变阻器的寿命有多长?168
72 Surge Voltage Limiting Components and Protection Devices 限压元件与保护装置170
73 Why Are Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter(GFCI)Receptacles with Surge Protectors Used? 为什么要使用带有浪涌保护器的接地故障断路器插座?175
74 Why Is the Equipment Damaged Though"Properly Connected"to Protectors? 尽管设备与保护器连接恰当,为什么依然受损?177
Unit 7 Surge Voltage Protection 浪涌电压防护182
75 The Comprehensive Scheme for Surge Voltage Protection 浪涌电压保护的综合方案182
76 Surge Voltage Protection for the Power Supplies 供电系统的浪涌电压保护186
77 Protection for Signal Lines in Measurement,Control and Regulation Technology(MCR) 测控技术中信号线路的保护190
78 Surge Voltage Protection for Data Networks and Standard Interfaces 数据网络与标准接口的浪涌电压保护193
79 Surge Voltage Protection for Transceiver Systems 收发系统的浪涌电压保护197
80 Surge Voltage Protection for Telecommunication Systems 电信系统的浪涌电压保护200
81 Installation Direction for Surge Voltage Protection Devices,Equipotential Bonding and Grounding 浪涌电压保护装置的安装、等电位连接与接地202
Unit 8 Lightning Detection 雷电探测206
82 Why is Knowing Where Lightning strikes Important? 为什么知道雷击点在何处很重要?206
83 Lightning Locating 闪电定位208
84 How Do Lightning Detection Sensors Detect Electromagnetic Signals from Lightning? 闪电探测传感器如何探测闪电电磁信号?211
85 Introduction to a Lightning Technologies Laboratory 介绍一个雷电技术实验室213
86 Do You Know Vaisala-GAI? 你知道Vaisala-GAI吗?216
87 A Lightning Detection Systems from LLP LLP公司的雷电探测系统218
88 Do You Know the IMPACT(Improved Performance and Combined Technology)System? 你知道IMPACT闪电定位系统吗?220
89 LPATS-Lightning Localization and Tracking Sensor LPATS——闪电定位与追踪传感器223
90 SAFIR-A Total Lightning Localization and Thunderstorm Forecasting System? SAFIR——闪电定位与雷暴预报系统225
91 EFM Ⅱ for Atmospheric Electric Field EFM Ⅱ型大气电场强度仪227
92 What About ESID? 关于雷暴识别装置ESID229
93 What About PLWS? 关于雷暴警报系统PLWS231
94 Introduction to USNLDN and EUCLID 介绍美国国家雷电监测网与欧洲雷电监测公司233
95 Satellite-based Detectors 星载探测器234
96 Is Lightning Detectable with Radar? 雷达可以探测闪电吗?237
Unit 9 Lightning Data 雷电资料241
97 What Is an Isokeraunic or Thunderday Map? 什么是雷暴日数等值线图?241
98 How Does the Frequency of Lightning Vary bver the World? 全球闪电频数如何分布?243
99 Why Is Lightning Information Important? 为什么闪电信息非常重要?245
100 On the Spatial and Temporal Features of the Lightning Data Observed with NLDN and LRDN 美国国家雷电监测网和远距离雷电监测网的雷电资料的时空特性247
101 Is It Possible to Predict Lightning? 有可能预报闪电吗?248
1.常用雷电防护专业词汇英语释义 Specialized Terms Explained in English250
2.常用雷电防护专业术语汉英对照 Specialized Terms in Chinese vs English267
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