英语奥林匹克 初级 听说篇【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 林继玲,王松美编著 著
- 出版社: 北京:北京大学出版社
- ISBN:7301030185
- 出版时间:1996
- 标注页数:182页
- 文件大小:13MB
- 文件页数:203页
- 主题词:
英语奥林匹克 初级 听说篇PDF格式电子书版下载
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32 What Sort ofSports Do YouLike?Talking about fa-vourite sportsWhat sort of sportsdo you like?What about...?2
37 What s It Like?Describing objectsIt s a....It s got...on it.2
12 ColoursandClothing2
Unit 11 Check up2
36 A Present of theSpring FestivalTalking about theSpring FestivalDuring the SpringFestival,....What s the popular(food,...)for...?2
UnitLesson/TopicLanguage FunctionsSentence StructuresPage2
35 Did They EnjoyThemselves?Talking about holi-daysThe...was(were)...and the...was(were)....The...is(are)...andthe...is(are)....The...is(are)...but the... is(are)....The weather wasso...while we werethere.2
11 Holidaysand Festivals34 Going OverseasGiving suggestionsIf you...,(I suppose)you could....What about...?2
Unit 10 Check up2
33 At a SportsMeetingPraising ConfirmingHow(fast,...)she(runs,...)!Do you mean...?2
38 School UniformsGiving opinionsI think....2
31 How Much DoYou Do It?Talking about sportsDo you...at all?Do you play...?Do you do...?2
10 SportsandGames2
Unit 9 Check up2
30 At the TravelAgent sAsking for andgiving informationabout travelingCan you suggest...?It sounds wonder-ful.2
29 How to Get toMount Tai?Asking for permis-sionDo you mind if I...?Do you mind my...?2
28 What Bus Goesto the BeijingZoo?Asking for andgiving informationabout busesWhat bus can I taketo get to...?How often do theyleave?2
9 Travel andTransport2
UnitLesson/TopicLanguage FunctionsSentence StructuresPage2
Unit 8 Check up2
27 Can I Pay byCredit Card?PayingHow would you liketo pay for...?Can I pay by...?I ll use....2
45 It s Cold in Bei-jing in Winter.Comparing weatherin different citiesIt was quite a con-trast to....It s quite differentfrom....2
Answer Key2
Unit 15 Check up2
48 Visiting Wash-ington D.C.Describing placesThere are....It looks like....2
47 What Do YouKnow AboutLondon?Describing citiesLondon is its capi-tal.There are.......is famous for....2
46 I Prefer to Livein Beijing.Describing likesConfirmingYou must befrom....Do you really enjoyliving in...?Yas,I do.2
15 Roundthe World2
UnitLesson/TopicLanguage FunctionsSentence StructuresPage2
Unit 14 Check up2
39 A New DressDescribing a dressIt s made from....It s got many differ-ent colours.2
44 Talking Aboutthe WeatherTalking about theweatherIsn t it(hot,...)today?I hope it(rains,...).2
43 Weather Broad-castGiving informationabout weatherIn...,the minimumtemperature willbe...and the maxi-mum temperaturewill be....2
14 SeasonsandWeather2
Unit 13 Check up2
42 You Should Goon a Diet.Giving adviceI can give you someadvice about...2
41 A Bad HabitGiving adviceAren t you worriedthat you ll...?2
40 What Seems toBe the Matter?Seeing a doctorWhat seems to bethe matter?I ve got this painin....2
13 Healthand Ill-ness2
Unit 12 Check up2
2 He Isn tBrother!Your Greeting peopleGood morning.How are you?I m fine.Thanks.Hi.2
3 School Life2
Unit 4 Check up2
13 Break DancingDescribing a kind ofdanceIt doesn t soundmuch like....It s more like....You dance on yourshoulders and backs.2
12 What Are TheyDoing?Making telephonecallsHello.... It s...here.Is that you(John,...)?This is(Marga-ret,...).2
11 What Do YouUsually Do onWeekends?Talking about leis-ure time activitiesWould you liketo...?I prefer....Are you interestedin...?What kind of...doyou like?2
4 Hobbiesand Inter-ests2
Unit 3 Check up2
10 Talking AboutSchoolAsking for informa-tionHow long were youin...?You were workingin...,were you?2
9 Enrolling at aLanguage SchoolAsking for informa-tionWhen...,please?What...,please?Could I have yourname,please?2
8 What s the An-swer?Talking about addi-tion(Eight)plus(minuseleven)should be(minus three).2
UnitLesson/TopicLanguage FunctionsSentence StructuresPage2
UnitLesson/TopicLanguage FunctionsSentence StructuresPage2
Unit 2 Check up2
7 Do You Share aBedroom withYour Grandma?Describing housesThere are....one isfor...,the other oneis for....2
6 Where Is It?Describing positionsIt s under(above,over,in,on,next to,in front of)....2
5 How Do I GetThere?Asking for and giv-ing directionsExcuse me.Where s...,please?Could you please tellme where...?It s at the end of thestreet2
2 House andHome2
Unit 1 Check up2
4 A Day in the Lifeof the GaynersDescribing daily rou-tines(They)get up(havetheir breakfast,...)at...in the morn-ing.2
3 Good-byeSaying good-byeIt s time to....Thanks for....2
26 Buying a Com-puterShoppingCan I help you?I d like to see....2
UnitLesson/TopicLanguage FunctionsSentence StructuresPage2
25 Prices in Differ-ent CitiesMaking comparisonIt s cheaper in....2
24 What Are thePrices?Talking about mon-eyThat s...altogether.The total is....It costs....The price is....It was sold for....They sold it for....2
8 Money andShopping2
Unit 7 Check up2
23 In a RestaurantTaking orders in arestaurantWould you like...?What would you liketo eat?2
22 How ManyMeals Do YouHave Every Day?Talking about mealsWhat did you eat for(breakfast,...)to-day?I had a big (break-fast,...)today.2
21 Three RecipesTalking about quan-titiesHow much... do Ineed?How many... do Ineed?It takes about...grams of....2
20 I Like ChineseFood.Describing likesI like....I prefer....2
7 Food andMeals2
5 Jobs2
Unit 6 Check up2
19 The Missing BoyDescribing peopleShowing thanksHe s... years oldand he s(quite...)and(strong...).What colour is(hishair,...)?That svery kind of you.Thank you verymuch.2
18 You Won t MissHim.ApologizingDescribing peopleI m sorry.I m sorry that....I apologize that....He is a(youngman,...)in(his,...)(earlytwenties,...).2
17 When Were YouBorn?Asking and answer-ing about people sdates of birthCould you...?Could I have...?I need to know....2
6 DescribingPeople2
Unit 5 Check up2
16 What s MsPetal s SecretaryGoing to Do To-day?Telling somebody todo somethingExpressing sequenceFirst of all,couldyou...?Then perhaps youcould...2
15 What Kind ofJob Do YouLike?Asking aboutother s opinionsGiving suggestionsCould you...,please?(Do...),will you?What kind of(job,...)do you like?2
14 What Do TheyDo?Describing likesI like....I enjoy....2
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