

  • 蔡韫编著 著
  • 出版社: 北京:经济日报出版社
  • ISBN:7800363859
  • 出版时间:1991
  • 标注页数:283页
  • 文件大小:7MB
  • 文件页数:318页
  • 主题词:


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1 “目的”有两种 aim和purpose1


2 “能力”的两种用法 capacity和ability2

3 要分清是“灰”,还是“灰烬” ash和ashes4

4 表示“时代”的四种用法 age,epoch,era,period等4

5 “身体”不能一律用 body health和body6

6 “舞会”不能说 a dance party a dance party和a dance7

7 “停电”怎么说? Electricity stopped.和It's a blackout8

8 贵妇人不劳动 office lady和office clerk8

9 fiction是小说的总称 novel和fiction9

11 药有三种,要区别使用 drugs,medicines,chemicals10

10 休假的正确用法 vacation和day-off10

12 习惯和习气不一样 custom和habit11

13 要分清是男人用的,还是女人用的 purse和wallet12

14 “睡衣”上下一套,要用复数 pyjama(或pajama)和pyjamas(或pajamas)13

15 “伶俐”有多种表现 smart和cunning13

16 是高鼻子?还是大鼻子? high nose和big nose14

17 “政治学常识”怎么说? It is the common sense in political science15

18 要分清是政治方面的,还是商业方面的 propoganda和advertisment15

19 情人和爱人不一样 lover和sweetheart16

21 家庭是集体名词,要用单数 many families和a large family17

20 要严格区分是“杯子”,还是“玻璃杯” a cup ofbeer和a glass ofbeer17

22 事情和样子要区别对待 Why do you say like that?和Why do you say that?18

23 downtown不是名词,使用时要注意 go to downtown和go downtown18

24 分子是2,就是复数了 one third和tow thirds19

25 “故乡”不能说成“祖国” native country和home town19

26 形容词作定语时要用单数 fiveyearsold 和five-year-old car20

27 表示“一定时间”要作单数看待 Five years arealongtime和Five years is a long time21

28 两人以上也可以作为单数看待 More than one man are…和More than one man is22

29 坐的“地方”不能用place place和room23

30 “半小时”怎么说? halfhour和halfan hour23

31 指整个人类不要用men men和man25

32 “女教师们”怎么说? woman teachers和women teachers26

33 不能把“公务人员”说成“买盐的人” salary man和salaried worker26

34 “三种句子”哪种译法正确? three kinds of sentences和three kinds of sentence27

35 “三条裤子”怎么说? three pair of trousers和three pairs of trousers28

36 辨清动机,确定是错误,还是意外事故 by mistake和by accident28

37 “客人”(company)只能作单数形式用 many company和many visitors29

38 “顾客”不要说成“客人” guest和customer30

39 “顾客少的季节”叫做淡季 a dull season31

40 “将来”不能说成in future in future和in the future31

41 “中心”和“中间”不一样 centre和middle32

42 “长途旅行”怎么说? travel和journey33

43 衣服,男的女的不一样 dress和suit34

44 注意是卖主索价,还是买主应付款 cost和price35

45 “荫”和“影子”不一样 shade和shadow36

46 要注意使用动名词 look forward to和with a view to37

47 被动语态句子要用in chalk with chalk和in chalk38

48 注意哪个是名词?哪个是形容词? a characteristic和characteristic39

49 口语“咳嗽”一般说coughing cough和coughing40

50 “拉上窗帘”怎么说? Pull the curtain,will you?40

52 “地理考试”的正确用法 examination of geography和examination in geography41

51 “糖果”,英美说法不同 sweets和candy41

53 “运动”不能用不定冠词 an exercise和exercise42

54 “经验”和“经历”不一样 experience和experiences43

55 “有些白发”“满头白发”说法不一样 gray hair和gray hairs44

56 “因公(商务)出差”的正确用法 for business和on business45

57 “处女”有两种说法 maiden和virgin46

58 “微风”和“狂风”不一样 strong air和strong wind47

59 好家伙! Oh,boy!48

60 多么可怜! What a pity!(或Poor thing!)49

61 “上课”怎么说? lesson和class50

63 “情报”一词常用单数 informations和information51

62 “我喜欢蓝色。” I like blue colour和I like the colour blue51

64 “staff”作为干部、职员解释时常用单数 staffs和staff52

65 “消息”常作单数看待 The news are good.和The news is good53

66 读数字要用单数 three thousands two hundreds和three thousandtwo hundred53

67 “忠告”不能用复数形式 advices和advice54

68 “家具”不能用复数形式 furnitures和furniture55

69 “行李”不能用复数形式 luggages和luggage55

70 “损害”不能用复数形式 damages和damage56

71 “名声”不能用复数形式 characters和character56

74 “面包”不能用复数形式 breads和bread57

73 “头发”不能用复数形式 hairs和hair57

72 “工作”不能用复数形式 works和work57

75 “鱼”不能用复数形式 fishes和fish58

76 “水果”不能用复数形式 furits和 fruit58

77 “机器”不能用复数形式 machineries和machinery59

78 “喝采”不能用复数形式 applauses和applause59

79 “钱”不能用复数形式 money+单数动词60

80 “剪子”不能用单数形式 scissors+复数动词61

81 “衣服”不能用单数形式 clothes+复数动词61

83 “台球”不能用单数形式 billiards+单数动词62

82 “财富”不能用单数形式 riches+复数动词62

84 “工资”不能用单数形式 wages+复数动词63

85 “人们”是单数形式,作复数用 people+复数动词63

86 不能把“一个多点”作单数看待 one and a half+复数名词64

87 “数量”和“若干(或许多)”不一样 the numberof和a number of65


88 不定代词的正确用法 all66

89 不定代词的正确用法 both67

90 不定代词的正确用法 none69

91 不定代词的正确用法 one69

92 不定代词的正确用法 any和some71

93 any other必须作为单数形式来用 any other boys和any other boy74

94 anybody…not结构是错误的 anybody…not和nobody75

95 anyth ing…not结构是错误的 anything…not和nothing75

96 anyone在否定句中不能做主语 anyone is not…和no one is76

97 each通常只能用于肯定句 each ofus和none ofus77

98 “互相”是代词,不是副词 each other和with each other78

99 “互相”两种说法都对 each other和one another79

100 “互相”不能作主语 each other80

101 everybody不能与all连用 everybody all和every one ofus81

102 “我的”的正确用法 my82

103 加强词气时才可以用的 myself83

104 it也可以指“婴儿”“儿童” it(baby,child)84

105 有些地方不能用it have it和have one85

106 “我们三姐妹”怎么说? three or our sisters和the three ofus sisters86

107 介词的宾词要用宾格代词 between you and I和between you and me87

108 关系代词的正确用法 whom和who87


109 “第二次世界大战”怎么说? the World War Two和the Second World War89

110 汉语和中国人不一样 Chinese和the Chinese89

111 a most是绝对最高级 the most,a most,most90

112 使用a,an的五项原则 the Mr.Carter和a Mr.Carter91

113 使用the的四项原则 I like the doge和I like dogs92

114 “饭店”有的也要用the Imperial Hotel和the Imperial Hotel93

115 “努力”要加不定冠词 make effort to和make an effort to94

116 “头疼”要加不定冠词 headache和a headache95

117 “一天三小时”怎么说? in a day和a day95

118 泛指笼统的地区要用 Far East和the Far East96

119 抽象名词不加冠词 the honesty和honesty97

120 省略也有例外 a man和man97

121 交通工具是无冠词 by a taxi和by taxi98

123 “职称+人名”的用法 the President Kennedy和President Kennedy99

122 弹奏乐器不要忘记用the play piano和play the piano99

124 某某大学的两种用法 the Harvard University和Harvard University100

125 表示原来目的的建筑与设施不用冠词 go to the school和go to school101

126 两个人和一个人大不一样 a novelist and poet和a novelist and a poet102

127 山名不用冠词 the Mt.Fuji和Mt.Fuji103

128 看电视,听无线电用冠词吗? I watched the television I watched television(TV)………(103 )四、动词的误用129 放和躺不一样 lay和lie105

130 睡眠和就寝不一样 sleep和go to bed106

131 想起和叫[人]想起不一样 remember和remind106

132 移动和搬家不一样 remove和move107

133 受伤的两种用法 wounded和injured108

134 借用的两种用法 borrow和use109

135 吃药不能说喝药 drink medicine和take medicine109

136 做梦的正确用法 make a dream和have a dream110

137 成长和长大不一样 grow和grow up111

138 “这位子空着吗?”怎么说 Is this seat empty?和Is this seat taken?112

139 “说谎”怎么说? He says lies.He speats lies.He tells lies113

140 “动身到哪儿去?”的正确用法 leave to New York和leave for NewYork113

141 “讨论”要不要“关于”(about) discuss about it和discuss it114

142 “想去访问”的正确用法 consider to visit和consider visiting115

144 “滑雪”怎么说 play skiing和go skiing116

143 相信和信奉不一样 believe和believe in116

145 “过得快乐”的正确用法 enjoy和enjoy myself117

146 要注意撇号 let's go和let us go118

147 “和你结婚”用不用“和”? marry with you和marry you118

148 “看起来好象”的正确用法 look like to和look like119

149 “脱下”的正确用法 put off和take off120

150 “穿上”和“穿着”不一样 put on和wear121

151 “停止”(quit)是及物动词 quit from hisjob和quit hisjob122

152 “抢我的钱”要不要of robbed my money和robbed me of money122

153 要分辨是主观,还是客观 seem和look123

155 opposite和opposed to的正确用法 opposite和opposed to124

154 “被…所覆盖”怎么说? covered by和covered with124

156 “我打了他的脸。”的正确用法 in his face和in the face125

157 “让”和“迫使”不一样 let和make126

158 “洗手不干了”不能直译 wash one's hands和quit(或go straight)128

159 要开门见山 I think he is not stupid.和I don't think he is stupid128

160 “深信”怎么说? bepersuadedof和beconvinced of129

161 “看报”要说成“读报” see a newspaper和read a newspaper130

162 “到达”的两种说法 arrive和reach131

163 “欢迎”的正确用法 bewelcome to和bewelcomed by132

165 “请给我来信” Give me a letter.和Write to me134

164“请前边走!” Go ahead,please.和After you134

116 “同情”的正确用法 sympathy和sympathize135

167 app roach的正确用法 approach to和approach136

168 “参加考试”怎么说? give an examination和take anexamination136

169“散步”怎么说? make a walk和take a walk137

170 “骑自行车去的”怎么说? go for a walk on a bicycle和go for a ride on a bicycle137

171 “下自行车和下马“怎么说? come down from the bicycle(horse)和get off the bicycle(horse)138

172“洗澡”怎么说? make a bath和take(have)a bath138

173 讲演,讲课不能用make make a lecture和give(deliver)a lecture139

175 “变得喜欢”怎么说? become to like you和come to like you140

174 “变得有意思了”怎么说? come interesting和become interesting140

176 “到30岁了”怎么说? become thirty和turn thirty141

177 “要知道羞耻” Know a shame!和Shame on you!142

178 坐和使…就座不一样 sit和seat142

179 “撕”和“撕碎了”不一样 tear和tear up143

180 注意这两个短语大不相同 deal with和deal in144

181 同意人和同意事不一样 agree to和agree with145

182 注意,不要用错 ask和ask for146

183 “你管它叫做什么?”怎么说? How do you call it?和What do you call it?147

184 表示“相当”和“通信”不一样 correspond to和correspond with148

185 “停止”有两种说法 stop和cease149

186 “怀疑”有两种说法 suspect和doubt150

187 “跟…订婚(engage)不能用with be engagedwith和be engagedto152

188 “笑”有哪些表现方法? laugh,smile,chuckle等152

189 stay和remain的正确用法 stay和remain153

190 不要把“谢谢”说错了 thank,thanks,thankful154

191 “任命”的正确用法 appoint155

192 “集合”是不及物动词 assemble156

193 “培养”不能和oneself连用 cultivate157

194 注意cut有许多用法 cyt158

195 “毕业”英美说法不一样 graduate159

196 一般现在时 Presen t tense160

197 一般过去时 Past tense162

198 一般将来时 Future ten se164

199 进行时 Progressive form166

200 现在完成时 Present perfect tense167

201 过去完成时 Past perfect tense169

202 将来完成时 Future perfect tense172

203 动词不定式 Infinitive173

204 动名词 Gerund174

205 分词 Participial176

206 被动语态 Passive voice180

207 虚拟语气 Subjunctive mood184


208 重叠形容词怎样排列? the blue new dress和the new blue dress187

209 “生气”要看对谁? angry with和angry at188

210 表现“懒惰”,要分清是否主观的愿望 idle和lazy188

211 “高”和“高”不一样 high和tall189

212 handsome可以形容女性吗? beutiful和handsome190

213 英语“病了”怎么说? sick和ill192

214 亲爱的和可爱的不一样 lovely和beloved193

216 “忙着”的正确用法 to be busy(in)+-ing194

215 “空着”有两种说法 empty和vacant194

217 black coffee不是“浓咖啡” black coffee195

218 “死里逃生”有两种说法 a narrow escape和a narrow(close)shave195

219 不要单纯考虑“对谁,对何事物” difficulttome和difficultforme196

220 “后面的”和“晚一点”不一样 latter和later196

221 “不平常的人”怎么说? unique和strange197

222 “唯一”已经含有“一个”的意思了only one和only198

223 “我有必要…”怎么说? I am necessary和It is necessary for me199

224 “北大是有名的学校”。哪种译法好? a famous school和a pretigious school199

225 “正确的英语”怎么说? right English和correct English200

226 hardly不是h a rd的副词hardly和hard201

227 要分清肯定?否定? a little和little202

228 要看以什么时间作为基准 before和ago204

229 注意very的位置 like和be fond of205

230 注意not的位置 to not go out和not to go out205

231 注意more的位置 more two years和two more years207

232 “睡着了”的正确用法 fall into sleep和fall asleep207

233 “楼上”“楼下”怎么说? al upstairs和upstairs208

234 容易混淆的副词 all together和altogether209

235 要辨清过去分词的性质 much和very210

236 “热”是指对谁说的,要说清楚 too hot和very hot211

237 的确是麻烦的疑问 how和what211

238 “总是”的正确用法 always213

239 “跟…一道”的正确用法 along with214


240 讲妥价格和未讲妥价格不一样 for和at215

241 beside和besides不一样 beside和besides215

242 表示时间的介词有三种 on,at,in216

243 要严格区分to和at to和at217

244 “从里往外”用of out和out of218

246 “抱怨”(complain)要用of complain on和complain of(about)219

245 “在外面”不用of outside of the door和outside the door219

247 不要把“的”一律译为of book of you和your book220

248 他是英语老师”两种说法都对 He is an English teacher和He is teacher of English221

249 表示原料的要用of made of gold221

250 “用电话”要用on by the phone和on the phone222

251 要分清是否动作的执行者 by pen和with a pen223

252 表示季节的副词短语的前面不要用in in the spring和this spring224

253 “一样”要用as same with和same as225

254 比较和比喻不一样 compare with和compare to225

255 “缺乏”不要用in lack in和lack226

256 副词的前面避免用介词 go to abroad和go abroad227

257 “查字典”不能用with consult with a dictionary和consult a dictionary227

258 confo rm(遵守)的正确用法 conform with和conform to228

259 “妨碍”和“干涉”不一样 interfere with和interfere in229

260 拉丁语比较级要用to inferior than和inferior to229

261 访问人和访问他的家不一样 call on和call at230

262 “众人所知”和“因何闻名”不一样 knwon by和known to231

263 “死”的多种用法 He died with heart attack.和He died of heart attack231

264 要辨清是“继续”,还是“终止” until和before232

266 “一小时内”怎么说? in an hour和within an hour233

265 “一周后”怎么说? after a week和in a week233

267 不要过分拘泥于“从…” after Decem ber和from December234

268 “一星期后”和“下周今天”不一样 a week after和a week from today235

269 “从午后起”怎么说? from the afternoon和in the afternoon236

270 我父亲去世十年了。 from和since236

271 太阳升自东方。 from和in237

272 从窗户进来 from the window和through the window237

273 由钢铁制成的 from steel和of(out of)steel238

274 出于好奇心 from curiosity和out ofcuriosity238

275 比任何时候 than now和than ever239

276 在他之后,紧接着我讲话了 then(or next)240


277 常用连词 and241

278 常用连词 but242

279 常用连词 that244

280 常用连词 till245

281 常用连词 when247

282 常用连词 whether248

283 要注意人称 either…or和neither…nor250

284 “喝了”以后 then和and then251

285 要注意before的惯用法 It will not be long that he gets well251

286 说明原因不需要重复表现 The reason…because252

288 表示“是否”要用if She asked I would help her253

287 要注意前后句的关系 At first she loved me and later jilted me253

289 表示“是否”不能用if I don't know ifI can go or not254

290 不用if要用that-clause We a re afraid if it may rain255



291 我能够说英语就好了。 I wi sh I can speak Engli sh.和I wish I could speak English256

292 我去过上海。 I have gone to Shanghai once.和I have been to Shanghai once256

293 她昨晚看书了。 She had been reading a booklast night257

294 我们该涨工资了。 It is time we get a pay rai se258

296 公共汽车来了! Here came the bus259

295 我在这里住好多年了。 I lived here for many years259

297 我想他知道实情。 I thought he knows the fact260

298 我本来应当做那件事。 I should not do that261

299 你在这里坐坐等我回来 You sit here until I will come back261


300 要注意词序必须倒置 wrong something和something wrong262

301 “上午9点”怎么说? A.M.9∶00和9∶00 A.M263

302 形容词的顺序 a black little girl和a little black girl264

303 “其他种种”的正确用法 other various和varous other265

305 “简直…不能”的正确用法 hardly could see和could hardly see266

304 注意宾语从句的词序 Tell me what time is it和Tell me what time it is266

307 enough的位置 enough kind to… kind enough to267

306 all应该放在哪儿? those all books和all those books267

308 “给他送行”怎么说? see off him和see him off268

309 “你”和“我”怎样排列? I and you和you and I269

310 “你想”要安插进去 Do you think how large…和How large doyou think270

311 “such+a”结构 He is a such competent teacher.和Heis such acompetentteacher270

312 early,mid-.late He came back this late afternoon.和He came back late this afternoon271


313 “哪里”“你”,哪个对? Where are YOU?和WHERE are you?272

315 重读修饰名词的名词 She is a movie STAR.和She is a MOVIE star273

314 重读名词 THIS is a book.和This is a BOOK273

316 重读疑问词 Who said SO?和WHO said so?274

317 句中没有名词,要重读动词 I Am reading.和I am READING274

318 重读作为“主角”的代词 You DID it,not me.和YOU did it,not ME275

319 一般疑问句的结尾词要重读 WILL you help me?和Will you help ME?276

320 作为主要对象的词要重读 Xi'an was the CAPITAL和Xi'an WAS the capital276

321 重读反意疑问词 It is a nice day,ISN'T it?277


322 美语、英语有什么不同 Americanism278
