PRINCIPLES OF DEVELOPMENT【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

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Chapter 1: History and Basic Concepts3
The origins of developmental biology3
1-1 Aristotle first defined the problem of epigenesis and preformation3
Box 1A Basic stages of Xenopus laevis development4
1-2 Cell theory changed the conception of embryonic development and heredity5
1-3 Mosaic and regulative development6
1-4 The discovery of induction8
1-5 The coming together of genetics and development8
A conceptual tool kit9
1-6 Development involves cell division, the emergence of pattern,change in form,cell differentiation,and growth9
Box 1 B Germ layers11
1-7 Cell behavior provides the link between gene action and developmental processes12
1-8 Genes control cell behavior by controlling which proteins are made by a cell13
1-9 Differential gene activity controls development14
1-10 Development is progressive and the fate of cells becomes determined at different times15
1-11 Inductive interactions can make cells different from each other17
1-12 The response to inductive signals depends on the state of the cell18
1-13 Patterning can involve the interpretation of positional information19
1-14 Lateral inhibition can generate spacing patterns20
1-15 Localization of cytoplasmic determinants and asymmetric cell division can make cells different from each other20
1-16 The embryo contains a generative rather than a descriptive program21
Chapter 2:Model Systems25
Model organisms:vertebrates25
2-1 Amphibians:Xenopus laevis26
Box 2A Polar body formation27
2-2 Birds:the chicken31
2-3 Mammals:the mouse37
2-4 Fishes:the zebrafish41
Model organisms:invertebrates43
2-5 The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster43
2-6 The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans47
Model systems:plants49
2-7 Arabidopsis thaliana50
Identifying developmental genes52
2-8 Developmental genes can be identified by rare spontaneous mutation53
2-9 Identification of developmental genes by induced mutation and screening54
Box 2B Mutagenesis and genetic screening for identifying developmental mutants in Drosophila56
Chapter 3: Patterning the Vertebrate Body PlanI: Axes and Germ Layers63
Setting up the body axes63
3-1 The animal-vegetal axis of Xenopus is maternally determined63
Box 3A Protein intercellular signaling molecules64
Box 3B In situ detection of gene expression65
3-2 The dorso-ventral axis of amphibian embryos is determined by the site of sperm entry66
3-3 The Nieuwkoop center is specified by cortical rotation68
3-4 Maternal proteins with dorsalizing and ventralizing effects have been identified69
3-5 The dorso-ventral axis of the chick blastoderm is specified in relation to the yolk and the ante ro-posterior axis is set by gravity70
3-6 The axes of the mouse embryo are specified by cell—cell interactions71
3-7 Specification of left-right handedness of internal organs requires special mechanisms73
3-8 Organ handedness in vertebrates is under genetic control73
The origin and specification of the germ layers75
3-9 A fate map of the amphibian blastula is constructed by following the fate of labeled cells75
3-10 The fate maps of vertebrates are variations on a basic plan77
3-11 Cells of early vertebrate embryos do not yet have their fates determined79
Box 3C Transgenic mice81
3-12 In Xenopus the mesoderm is induced by signals from the vegetal region81
3-13 The mesoderm is induced by a diffusible signal during a limited period of competence83
3-14 An intrinsic timing mechanism controls the time of expression of mesoderm-specific genes84
3-15 Several signals induce and pattern the mesoderm in the Xenopus blastula85
3-16 Sources of the mesoderm-inducing signals86
3-17 Candidate mesoderm inducers have been identified in Xenopus87
3-18 Mesoderm patterning factors are produced within the mesoderm88
3-19 Zygotic gene expression begins at the mid-blastula transition in Xenopus90
3-20 Mesoderm induction activates genes that pattern the mesoderm91
3-21 Gradients in protein signaling factors and threshold responses could pattern the mesoderm92
Chapter 4: Patterning the Vertebrate Body PlanⅡ: The Mesoderm and Early Nervous System98
Somite formation and patterning98
4-1 Somites are formed in a well-defined order along the ante ro-posterior axis99
4-2 The fate of somite cells is determined by signals from the adjacent tissues100
4-3 Positional identity of somites along the antero-posterior axis is specified by Hox gene expression102
Box 4A Homeobox genes104
4-4 Deletion or overexpression of Hox genes causes changes in axial patterning106
4-5 Retinoic acid can alter positional values107
Box 4B Gene targeting: insertional mutagenesis and gene knock-out108
The role of the organizer region and neural induction110
4-6 The organizer can specify a new antero-posterior axis110
4-7 The neural plate is induced by mesoderm113
4-8 The nervous system can be patterned by signals from the mesoderm114
4-9 Signals that pattern the neural plate may travel within the neural plate itself116
4-10 The hindbrain is segmented into rhombomeres by boundaries of cell lineage restriction117
4-11 Neural crest cells have positional values119
4-12 Hox genes provide positional identity in the hindbrain region119
4-13 The embryo is patterned by the neurula stage into organ-forming regions that can still regulate121
Chapter 5: Development of the Drosophila Body Plan127
Maternal genes set up the body axes127
5-1 Three classes of maternal genes specify the ante ro-posterior axis128
5-2 The bicoid gene provides an ante ro-posterior morphogen gradient129
5-3 The posterior pattern is controlled by the gradients of nanos and caudal proteins131
5-4 The anterior and posterior extremities of the embryo are specified by cell-surface receptor activation132
5-5 The dorso-ventral polarity of the egg is specified by localization of maternal proteins in the vitelline envelope133
5-6 Positional information along the dorso-ventral axis is provided by the dorsal protein134
Polarization of the body axes during oogenesis136
5-7 Antero-posterior and dorso-ventral axes of the oocyte are specified by interactions with follicle cells136
Zygotic genes pattern the early embryo139
5-8 The expression of zygotic genes along the dorso-ventral axis is controlled by dorsal protein139
5-9 The decapentaplegic protein acts as a morphogen to pattern the dorsal region141
5-10 The ante ro-posterior axis is divided up into broad regions by gap gene expression142
5-11 bicoid protein provides a positional signal for the anterior expression of hunchback143
Box 5A Transgenic flies144
5-12 The gradient in hunchback protein activates and represses other gap genes144
Segmentation: activation of the pair-rule genes146
5-13 Parasegments are delimited by expression of pair-rule genes in a periodic pattern146
5-14 Gap gene activity positions stripes of pair-rule gene expression148
Segment polarity genes and compartments150
5-15 Expression of the engrailed gene delimits a cell lineage boundary and defines a compartment151
Box 5B Genetic mosaics and mitotic recombination153
5-16 Segment polarity genes pattern the segments and stabilize parasegment and segment boundaries155
5-17 Compartment boundaries are involved in patterning and polarizing segments157
5-18 Some insects use different mechanisms for patterning the body plan158
Segmentation: selector and homeotic genes161
5-19 Homeotic selector genes of the bithorax complex are responsible for diversification of the posterior segments162
5-20 The Antennapedia complex controls specification of anterior regions164
5-21 The order of HOM gene expression corresponds to the order of genes along the chromosome164
5-22 HOM gene expression in visceral mesoderm controls the structure of the adjacent gut165
Chapter 6:Development of Invertebrates,Ascidians,and Slime Molds173
6-1 The developmental axes are determined by asymmetric cell division and cell—cell interactions173
6-2 Cell—cell interactions specify cell fate in the early nematode embryo176
6-3 A small cluster of homeobox genes specify cell fate along the antero-posterior axis177
6-4 Genes control graded temporal information in nematode development178
6-5 The handedness of spiral cleavage is specified maternally181
6-6 Body axes in molluscs are related to early cleavages181
6-7 The teloblasts are specified by localization of cytoplasmic factors183
6-8 Antero-posterior patterning and segmentation in the leech is linked to a lineage mechanism184
6-9 The sea urchin egg is polarized along the animal-vegetal axis187
6-10 The dorso-ventral axis in sea urchins is related to the plane of the first cleavage188
6-11 The sea urchin fate map is very finely specified,yet considerable regulation is possible189
6-12 The vegetal region of the sea urchin embryo acts as an organizer190
6-13 The regulatory regions of sea urchin develop-mental genes are complex and modular191
6-14 Muscle may be specified by localized cytoplasmic factors193
6-15 Notochord development in ascidians requires induction195
Cellular slime molds196
6-16 Patterning of the slug involves cell sorting and positional signaling197
6-17 Chemical signals direct cell differentiation in the slime mold199
Chapter 7: Plant Development204
Embryonic development204
7-1 Electrical currents are involved in polarizing the Fucus zygote205
7-2 Cell fate in early Fucus development is determined by the cell wall206
7-3 Differences in cell size resulting from unequal divisions could specify cell type in the Volvox embryo207
7-4 Both asymmetric cell divisions and cell position pattern the early embryos of flowering plants208
Box 7A Angiosperm embryogenesis209
7-5 The patterning of particular regions of the Arabidopsis embryo can be altered by mutation210
7-6 Plant somatic cells can give rise to embryos and seedlings211
7-7 The fate of a cell in the shoot meristem is dependent on its position214
7-8 Meristem development is dependent on signals from the plant217
Box 7B Transgenic plants218
7-9 Leaf positioning and phyllotaxy involves lateral inhibition218
7-10 Root tissues are produced from root apical meristems by a highly stereotyped pattern of cell divisions219
Flower development221
7-11 Homeotic genes control organ identity in the flower221
7-12 The transition to a floral meristem is under environmental and genetic control226
7-13 The Antirrhinum flower is patterned dorso-ventrally as well as radially226
7-14 The internal meristem layer can specify floral meristem patterning227
Chapter 8: Morphogenesis: Change in Form in the Early Embryo232
Cell adhesion232
8-1 Sorting out of dissociated cells demonstrates differences in cell adhesiveness in different tissues232
Box 8A Cell adhesion molecules233
8-2 Cadherins can provide adhesive specificity234
Cleavage and formation of the blastula235
8-3 The asters of the mitotic apparatus determine the plane of cleavage at cell division237
8-4 Cells become polarized in early mouse and sea urchin blastulas238
8-5 Ion transport is involved in fluid accumulation in the blastocoel240
8-6 Internal cavities can be created by cell death241
8-7 Gastrulation in the sea urchin involves cell migration and invagination243
Box 8B Change in cell shape and cell movement244
8-8 Mesoderm invagination in Drosophila is due to changes in cell shape,controlled by genes that pattern the dorso-ventral axis246
8-9 Xenopus gastrulation involves several different types of tissue movement247
8-10 Convergent extension and epiboly are due to cell intercalation250
8-11 Notochord elongation is caused by cell intercalation252
Neural tube formation254
8-12 Neural tube formation is driven by both internal and external forces254
8-13 Changes in the pattern of expression of cell adhesion molecules accompany neural tube formation255
Cell migration256
8-14 The directed migration of sea urchin primary mesenchyme cells is determined by the contacts of their filopodia to the blastocoel wall257
8-15 Neural crest migration is controlled by environ-mental cues and adhesive differences258
8-16 Slime mold aggregation involves chemotaxis and signal propagation260
Directed dilation262
8-17 Circumferential contraction of hypodermal cells elongates the nematode embryo263
8-18 The direction of cell enlargement can determine the form of a plant leaf263
Chapter 9: Cell Differentiation271
The reversibility and inheritance of patterns of gene activity271
9-1 Nuclei of differentiated cells can support develop-ment of the egg272
9-2 Patterns of gene activity in differentiated cells can be changed by cell fusion273
9-3 The differentiated state of a cell can change by transdifferentiation274
9-4 Differentiation of cells that make antibodies is due to irreversible changes in their DNA276
9-5 Maintenance and inheritance of patterns of gene activity may depend on regulatory proteins,as well as chemical and structural modifications of DNA277
Control of specific gene expression281
9-6 Control of transcription involves both general and tissue-specific transcriptional regulators282
9-7 External signals can activate genes284
Models of cell differentiation287
9-8 A family of genes can activate muscle-specific transcription287
9-9 The differentiation of muscle cells involves withdrawal from the cell cycle288
9-10 Complex combinations of transcription factors control cell differentiation289
9-11 All blood cells are derived from pluripotent stem cells290
9-12 Colony-stimulating factors and intrinsic changes control differentiation of the hematopoietic lineages291
9-13 Globin gene expression is controlled by distant upstream regulatory sequences293
9-14 Neural crest cells differentiate into several cell types295
9-15 Steroid hormones and polypeptide growth factors specify chromaffin cells and sympathetic neurons297
9-16 Neural crest diversification involves signals for both specification of cell fate and selection for cell survival297
9-17 Programmed cell death is under genetic control298
Chapter 10:Organogenesis304
The development of the chick limb304
10-1 The vertebrate limb develops from a limb bud305
10-2 Patterning of the limb involves positional information305
10-3 The apical ectodermal ridge induces the progress zone307
10-4 The polarizing region specifies position along the ante ro-posterior axis308
10-5 Position along the proximo-distal axis may be specified by a timing mechanism311
10-6 The dorso-ventral axis is controlled by the ectoderm312
10-7 Different interpretations of the same positional signals give different limbs312
10-8 Homeobox genes are involved in patterning the limbs and specifying their position313
10-9 Self-organization may be involved in pattern formation in the limb bud315
10-10 Limb muscle is patterned by the connective tissue316
Box 10A Reaction-diffusion mechanisms317
10-11 The initial development of cartilage, muscles,and tendons is autonomous318
10-12 Separation of the digits is the result of programmed cell death318
Insect imaginal discs320
10-13 Signals from the ante ro-posterior compartment boundary pattern the wing imaginal disc321
10-14 The dorso-ventral boundary of the wing acts as a pattern-organizing center322
10-15 The leg disc is patterned in a similar manner to the wing disc,except for the proximo-distal axis323
10-16 Butterfly wing markings are organized by additional positional fields324
10-17 The segmental identity of imaginal discs is determined by the homeotic selector genes325
The insect compound eye328
10-18 Signals maintain progress of the morpho-genetic furrow and the ommatidia are spaced by lateral inhibition329
10-19 The patterning of the cells in the ommatidium depends on intercellular interactions329
10-20 The development of R7 depends on a signal from R8330
10-21 Activation of the gene eyeless can initiate eye development331
The nematode vulva332
10-22 The anchor cell induces primary and secondary fates333
Development of the kidney334
10-23 The development of the ureteric bud and mesen-chymal tubules involves induction334
Chapter 11: Development of the Nervous System340
Specification of cell identity in the nervous system340
11-1 Neurons in Drosophila arise from proneural clusters340
11-2 Lateral inhibition allocates neuronal precursors342
11-3 Asymmetric cell divisions are involved in Drosophila sensory organ development343
11-4 The vertebrate nervous system is derived from the neural plate344
11-5 Specification of vertebrate neuronal precursors involves lateral inhibition345
11-6 The pattern of differentiation of cells along the dorso-ventral axis of the spinal cord depends on ventral and dorsal signals346
11-7 Neurons in the mammalian central nervous system arise from asymmetric cell divisions,then migrate away from the proliferative zone348
11-8 Motor neurons from the spinal cord make muscle-specific connections353
11-9 The growth cone controls the path taken by the growing axon354
11-10 Choice of axon pathway depends on environmental cues and neuronal identity355
11-11 Neurons from the retina make ordered connections on the tectum to form a retino-tectal map356
11-12 Axons may be guided by gradients of diffusible agents358
Neuronal survival, synapse formation, and refinement360
11-13 Many motor neurons die during limb innervation361
11-14 Neuronal survival depends on competition for neurotrophic factors361
11-15 Reciprocal interactions between nerve and muscle are involved in formation of the neuromuscular junction362
11-16 The map from eye to brain is refined by neural activity365
11-17 The ability of mature vertebrate axons to regenerate is restricted to peripheral nerves367
Chapter 12:Germ Cells and Sex372
Determination of the sexual phenotype372
12-1 The primary sex-determining gene in mammals is on the Y chromosome372
12-2 Mammalian sexual phenotype is regulated by gonadal hormones373
12-3 In Drosophila, the primary sex-determining signal is the number of X chromosomes and is cell autonomous374
12-4 Somatic sexual development in Caenorhabditis is determined by the number of X chromosomes376
12-5 Most flowering plants are hermaphrodites,but some produce unisexual flowers377
12-6 Germ cell sex determination may depend both on cell signals and genetic constitution378
12-7 Various strategies are used for dosage compen-sation of X-linked genes379
The development of germ cells382
12-8 Germ cell fate can be specified by a distinct germ plasm in the egg382
12-9 Pole plasm becomes localized at the posterior end of the Drosophila egg384
12-10 Germ cells migrate from their site of origin to the gonad384
12-11 Germ cell differentiation involves a reduction in chromosome number385
12-12 Oocyte development can involve gene amplifi-cation and contributions from other cells387
12-13 Genes controlling embryonic growth are imprinted387
12-14 Fertilization involves cell-surface interactions between egg and sperm391
12-15 Changes in the egg membrane at fertilization block polyspermy392
12-16 A calcium wave initiated at fertilization results in egg activation393
Chapter 13:Regeneration401
13-1 Hydra grows continuously, with loss of cells from its ends and by budding401
13-2 Regeneration in Hydra is polarized and does not depend on growth402
13-3 The head region of Hydra acts both as an organizing region and as an inhibitor of inappropriate head formation402
13-4 Head regeneration in Hydra can be accounted for in terms of two gradients403
13-5 Vertebrate limb regeneration involves cell dedifferentiation and growth406
13-6 The limb blastema gives rise to structures with positional values distal to the site of amputation408
13-7 Retinoic acid can change proximo-distal positional values in regenerating limbs410
13-8 Insect limbs intercalate positional values by both proximo-distal and circumferential growth412
13-9 Polarized regeneration in plants is due to the polarized transport of auxin413
Chapter 14: Growth and Post-Embryonic Development418
14-1 Tissues can grow by cell proliferation,cell enlargement,or accretion418
14-2 Cell proliferation can be controlled by an intrinsic program and by external signals419
14-3 Growth of mammals is dependent on growth hormones421
14-4 Developing organs can have their own intrinsic growth programs423
14-5 Growth of the long bones occurs in the growth plates424
14-6 Growth of vertebrate striated muscle is dependent on tension426
14-7 The epithelia of adult mammalian skin and gut are continually replaced by derivatives of stem cells426
14-8 Cancer can result from mutations in genes controlling cell multiplication and differentiation430
14-9 Hormones control many features of plant growth430
14-10 Cell enlargement is central to plant growth431
Molting and metamorphosis432
14-11 Arthropods have to molt in order to grow433
14-12 Metamorphosis is under environmental and hormonal control434
Aging and senescence437
14-13 Genes can alter the timing of senescence438
14-14 Cells senesce in culture439
Chapter 15: Evolution and Development444
Modification of development in evolution444
15-1 Embryonic structures have acquired new functions during evolution445
15-2 Limbs evolved from fins446
15-3 Development of vertebrate and insect wings makes use of evolutionarily conserved mechanisms449
15-4 Hox gene complexes have evolved through gene duplication450
15-5 Changes in specification and interpretation of positional identity have generated the elaboration of vertebrate and arthropod body plans451
15-6 The position and number of paired appendages in insects is dependent on Hox gene expression453
15-7 The body plan of arthropods and vertebrates is similar,but the dorso-ventral axis is inverted454
Changes in the timing of developmental processes during evolution456
15-8 Changes in relative growth rates can alter the shapes of organisms456
15-9 Evolution of life histories has implications for development457
15-10 The timing of developmental events has changed during evolution458
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