

  • 《英汉图文对照词典》翻译组译 著
  • 出版社: 上海:上海科学技术出版社
  • ISBN:1718·751
  • 出版时间:1984
  • 标注页数:818页
  • 文件大小:33MB
  • 文件页数:824页
  • 主题词:


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Atom,Universe,Earth 原子、宇宙、地球8

1 Atom Ⅰ 原子8

2 Atom Ⅱ 原子10

3 Astronomy Ⅰ 天文学12

4 Astronomy Ⅱ 天文学14

5 Astronomy Ⅲ 天文学16

6 Moon Landing 登月18

7 The Atmosphere 大气19

8 Meteorology Ⅰ 气象学20

9 Meteorology Ⅱ and Climatology 气象学和气候学22

10 Meteorological Instruments 气象仪器24

11 Physical Geography Ⅰ 自然地理学26

12 Physical Geography Ⅱ 自然地理学28

13 Physical Geography Ⅲ 自然地理学30

14 MapⅠ 地图32

15 Map Ⅱ 地图34

Man and his Social Environment 人和他的社会环境36

16 Man Ⅰ 人36

17 Man Ⅱ 人38

18 Man Ⅲ 人40

19 Man Ⅳ 人42

20 Man Ⅴ 人44

21 First Aid 急救46

22 Doctor Ⅰ 医师48

23 Doctor Ⅱ 医师50

24 Dentist 牙科医师52

25 Hospital Ⅰ 医院54

26 Hospital Ⅱ 医院56

27 Hospital Ⅲ 医院58

28 Infant Care and Layette 婴儿护理和新生儿用品60

29 Children’s Clothes 儿童服装62

30 Ladies’Wear Ⅰ(Winter Wear) 妇女衣着(冬季衣着)64

31 Ladies’Wear Ⅱ(Snmmer Wear)妇女衣着(夏季衣着)66

32 Underwear,Nightwear 内衣、睡衣68

33 Men’s Wear 男子衣着70

34 Hairstyles and Beards 发型和胡须72

35 Headgear 帽子74

36 Jewellery(Am.Jewelry) 珠宝饰物76

37 Types of Dwelling 住宅型式78

38 Roof and Boiler Room 屋顶和锅炉间80

39 Kitchen 厨房82

40 Kitchen Utensils and Appliances 厨房用具和器具83

41 Hall 门厅84

42 Living Room(Lounge) 起居室85

43 Bedroom 卧室86

44 Dining Room 餐室87

45 Tableware and Cutlery 餐具88

46 Flat(Apartment) 成套房间90

47 Children’s Room(Nursery)托儿所91

48 Kindergarten(Day Nursery)幼儿园92

49 Bathroom and Toilet 浴室和盥洗室93

50 Household Appliances and Utensils 家庭器械和器具94

Nature as Environment,Agrieulture and Forestry 自然,如环境、农业和林业96

51 Flower Garden 花园96

52 Fruit and Vegetable Garden 果园和菜圃97

53 Indoor Plants(Houseplants)室内植物98

54 Propagation of Plants 植物的繁殖99

55 Market Garden(Am.Truck Garden,Truck Farm)商品菜园100

56 Garden Tools 园用工具102

57 Vegetables(Vegetable Plants)蔬菜(蔬菜植物)104

58 Soft Fruit and Pomes 肉果类和梨果类106

59 Drupes and Nuts 核果类和坚果类108

60 Garden Flowers 园林花卉110

61 Weeds 杂草112

62 Farm Buildings(Am.Farmstead)农场建筑114

63 Agriculture(Farming)农业116

64 Agricultural Machinery Ⅰ 农业机械118

65 Agricultural Machinery Ⅱ 农业机械120

66 Agricultural Implements 农业工具122

67 Overhead Irrigation 架空灌溉123

68 Arable Crops 农作物124

69 Fodder Plants(Forage Plants) 饲料植物126

70 Breeds of Dog 狗的种类128

71 Horse Ⅰ 马130

72 Horse Ⅱ 马132

73 Domestic Animals 家畜133

74 Poultry Farming,Egg Production 养鸡业、鸡蛋生产134

75 Rearing(Am.Raising)of Livestock 家畜饲养136

76 Dairy 乳品加工场138

77 Bees and Beekeeping(Apiculture) 蜜蜂和养蜂140

78 Wine Growing(Viniculture,Viticul-ture) 葡萄栽培和制酒(葡萄栽培)142

79 Wine Cellar 酒窖143

80 Garden and Field pests 园林和农田害虫144

81 House Insects,Food Pests,and Pa-rasites 家庭害虫、粮食害虫和寄生虫146

82 Forest Pests 森林害虫148

83 Pest Control 有害生物的防治150

84 Forestry Ⅰ 林业152

85 Forestry Ⅱ 林业154

86 Hunting 狩猎156

87 Hunting Weapons,Hunting Equip-ment 狩猎武器、狩猎用具158

88 Game 猎物160

89 Fish Farming(Fish Culture,Pisci-culture)and Angling 养鱼和钓鱼162

90 Sea Fishing 海渔164

Trades.Crafts.and Industry 手艺、技艺和工业165

91 Mills 磨坊165

92 Malting and Brewing Ⅰ 发麦芽和酿酒166

93 Brewing Ⅱ 酿酒168

94 Slaughterhouse(Abattoir) 屠宰场170

95 Meat Joints 食用带骨肉块171

96 Butcher’s Shop 肉店172

97 Bakery 面包烘房174

98 Grocer’s Shop(Am.Grocery Store) 杂货店176

99 Supermarket 超级市场178

100 Shoemaker(Bootmaker) 鞋匠(制靴工人)180

101 Shoes(Footwear) 鞋182

102 Needlework 刺绣183

103 Dressmaker 女装裁缝184

104 Tailor 外套裁缝185

105 Ladies’Hairdresser 女式理发师186

106 Men’s Hairdresser(Barber) 男式理发师187

107 Tobacco and Smoking Requisites 烟草和烟具188

108 Goldsmith,Silversmith 金匠、银匠189

109 Watchmaker,Clockmaker 表匠、钟匠190

110 Clocks and Watches 钟和表191

111 Optician 眼镜师192

112 Optical Instruments Ⅰ 光学仪器194

113 Optical Instruments Ⅱ 光学仪器196

114 Photography Ⅰ 摄影术197

115 Photography Ⅱ 摄影术198

116 Photography Ⅲ 摄影术200

117 Cine Film 电影胶片202

118 Building Site(Construction Site)Ⅰ 建筑工地204

119 Building Site(Construction Site)Ⅱ 建筑工地206

120 Carpenter 木工208

121 Roof,Timber Joints 屋顶、木接合210

122 Roof and Roofer 屋面和屋面工212

123 Floor,Ceiling,Staircase Construc-tion 地板、天花板、楼梯构造214

124 Glazier 玻璃工216

125 Plumber 板金工217

126 Plumber,Gas Fitter,Heating En-gineer 配管工、煤气工、供热装置216

127 Electrician 电工220

128 Paperhanger 裱糊工222

129 Painter 油漆工223

130 Cooper and Tank Construction En gineer 制桶工和储罐工程师224

131 Furrier 皮货技师225

132 Joiner Ⅰ 细木工226

133 Joiner Ⅱ 细木工228

134 Do-it-yourself 自己动手做230

135 Turner(Ivory Carver) 木车工(牙雕技师)232

136 Basket Maker 编篮工233

137 Blacksmith(Smith)Ⅰ 锻工234

138 Blacksmith(Smith)Ⅱ (Farm Ve-hicle Engineering) 锻工(农业车辆修理)235

139 Hammer Forging(Smith Forging)and Drop Forging 机锻(自由锻)和落锻(胎模锻)236

140 Metalworker 钳工238

141 Gas Welder 气焊工240

142 Arc Welder 电焊工241

143 Sections,Bolts,and Machine Parts 型材、螺栓和机械零部件242

144 Coal Mine 煤矿244

145 Mineral Oil(Oil,Petroleum) 石油246

146 Offshore Drilling 海上钻井248

147 Iron and Steel Works 钢铁厂250

148 Iron Foundry and Rolling Mill 铸铁工场和轧钢机252

149 Machine Tools Ⅰ 机床254

150 Machine Tools Ⅱ 机床256

151 Drawing Office 绘图室258

152 Power Plant(Power Station) Ⅰ 发电厂(发电站)260

153 PowerPlant(Power Station)Ⅱ 发电厂(发电站)262

154 Nuclear Energy 核能264

155 Modern Sources of Energy 新能源266

156 Coking Plant 炼焦厂267

157 Sawmill 锯木厂268

158 Quarry 采石场270

159 Brickworks(Brickyard,Brickfield) 砖厂271

160 Cement Works(Cement Factory) 水泥厂272

161 Porcelain and China Manufacture 瓷器和白坯瓷器制造273

162 Glass Production 玻璃生产274

163 Cotton Spinning Ⅰ 棉纺276

164 Cotton Spinning Ⅱ 棉纺278

165 Weaving Ⅰ 织造280

166 Weaving Ⅱ 织造282

167 Knitting 针织284

168 Finishing of Textile Fabrics 纺织品整理286

169 Synthetic(Man-made)Fibree(Am.Fibers)Ⅰ 合成纤维288

170 Synthetic(Man-made)Fibres(Am.Fibers)Ⅱ 合成纤维290

171 Weaves and Knits 织造和针织292

172 Papermaking Ⅰ 造纸294

173 Papermaking Ⅱ 造纸296

Printing Industry 印刷工业298

174 Composing Room(Case Room)Ⅰ 排版间298

175 Composing Room(Case Room)Ⅱ 排版间300

176 Composing Room(Case Room)Ⅲ (Phototypesetting,Photocomposition,Photosetting,Filmsetting) 排版间(照相排版)302

177 Photomechanical Reproduction 照相制版304

178 Electrotyping and Block Making 电镀和铸铜锌版306

179 Offset Platemaking 平印(胶印)制版307

180 Offset Printing 平版印刷308

181 Letterpress Printing 凸版印刷(铅印)310

182 Photogravure(Gravure Printing,Intaglio Printing) 凹版印刷(凹印)312

183 Bookbinding Ⅰ 装订314

184 Bookbinding Ⅱ 装订315

185 Bookbinding Ⅲ 装订316

Transport,Communications and Information Technology 运输、电讯和新闻技术318

186 Horse-drawn Carriages 马车318

187 Bicycle 自行车320

188 Motorcycles,Bicycles,Scooters,Mo-peds 摩托车、自行车、小轮摩托车、机动自行车322

189 Motorcycle 摩托车324

190 Internal Combustion Engines 内燃机326

191 Motor Car(Am.Automobile)Ⅰ 轿车328

192 Motor Car(Am.Automobile)Ⅱ 轿车330

193 Motor Car(Am.Automobile)Ⅲ 轿车332

194 Lorries(Am.Trucks),Vans,Buses 载重汽车、厢式运货汽车、公共汽车334

195 Garage(Am.Shop) 汽车修理铺336

196 Service Station 汽车加油站338

197 Tram(Am.Streetcar,Trolley),Interurban Electric Train 有轨电车、市间电气列车339

198 Cross-section of a Street 街道断面图340

199 Refuse Disposal(Am.Garbage Dis-position),Street Cleaning 处理垃圾、清扫街道341

200 Road Construction Ⅰ(Road Build-ing,Road Making) 道路建设(筑路)342

201 Road Construction Ⅱ(Road Build-ing,Road Making) 道路建设(筑路)344

202 Railway Line(Am.Railroad Track) Ⅰ铁路线345

203 Railway Line(Am.Railroad Track)Ⅱ(Signalling Equipment) 铁路线(信号设备)346

204 Station Hall 车站大厅348

205 Station Platform 火车站站台350

206 Goods Station(Freight Depot) 货物 车站352

207 Railway Vehicles(Rolling Stock)Ⅰ 铁路车辆354

208 Railway Vehicles(Rolling Stock)Ⅱ 铁路车辆356

209 Railway Vehicles(Rolling Stock)Ⅲ 铁路车辆357

210 Railway Vehicles(Rolling Stock)Ⅳ 铁路车辆358

211 Railway Vehicles(Rolling Stock)Ⅴ 铁路车辆360

212 Railway Vehicles(Rolling Stock)Ⅵ 铁路车辆362

213 Railway Vehicles(Rolling Stock)Ⅶ 铁路车辆364

214 Mountain Railways(Am.Moun-tain Railroads)and Cableways 山区铁路和索道366

215 Bridges 桥梁368

216 Rivers and River Engineering 河流和治河工程370

217 Waterway and Hydraulic Engine-ering 航道和水利工程372

218 Types of Historical Ship 历史上的船舶类型374

219 Sailing Ship Ⅰ 帆船376

220 Sailing Ship Ⅱ 帆船378

221 Types of Ship 船的类型380

222 Shipbuilding 造船382

223 Motor Ship 内燃机船384

224 Navigation 航海386

225 Docks,Port,Harbour(Am.Har-bor)Ⅰ 船坞、港口388

226 Docks,Port,Harbour(Am.Har-bor)Ⅱ 船坞、港口390

227 Salvage(Salving)and Towage 救助和拖曳392

228 Life Saving 救生393

229 Aircraft Ⅰ 飞机394

230 Aircraft Ⅱ 飞机396

231 Aircraft Ⅲ 飞机398

232 Aiicraft Ⅳ 飞机400

233 Airport 航空港402

234 Space Flight Ⅰ 外层空间飞行404

235 Space Flight Ⅱ 外层空间飞行406

236 Post Office Ⅰ 邮政局408

237 Post Office Ⅱ(Telephones and Tele-graphy) 邮政局(电话和电报)410

238 Broadcasting(Radio and Television)Ⅰ 广播(无线电和电视)412

239 Broadcasting(Radio and Television)Ⅱ 广播(无线电和电视)414

240 Broadcasting Ⅲ (Television Engi-neering) 广播(电视工程)415

241 Music Systems(Audio Systems) 声乐系统(声频系统)416

242 Teaching Equipment and Informa-tion Technology 教学设备和通讯技术418

243 Audiovision(AV) 视频420

244 Computer Centre(Am.Center) 计算机中心422

Office,Bank,Stock Exchange 事务所、银行、证券交易所423

245 Office Ⅰ 事务所423

246 Office Ⅱ 事务所424

247 Office Ⅲ 事务所425

248 Office Ⅳ 事务所426

249 Office Ⅴ 事务所428

250 Bank 银行430

251 Stock Exchange 证券交易所431

Community 团体432

252 Money(Coins and Notes,Am.Coins and Bills) 货币(硬币和纸币)432

253 Flags 旗434

254 Heraldry,Crowns and Coronets 纹章、王冠和冠435

255 Armed Forces Ⅰ(Army) 武装部队(陆军)436

256 Armed Forces Ⅱ(Air Force Ⅰ) 武装部队(空军)438

257 Armed Forces Ⅲ(Air Force Ⅱ) 武装部队(空军)439

258 Warships Ⅰ 军舰(海军)440

259 Warships Ⅱ(Modern Fighting Ships) 军舰(现代战列舰艇)442

260 School Ⅰ(Primary School) 学校(小学)444

261 School Ⅱ(Secondary School,High School) 学校(中学)446

262 University 大学448

263 Election 选举449

264 Police 警察450

265 Café 咖啡室451

266 Restaurant 饭店452

267 Hotel 旅馆454

268 Town(Town Centre,Am.Down-town) 城市(市中心)456

269 Water Supply 给水工程458

270 Fire Service(Am.Fire Depart-ment) 消防设施460

271 Department Store 百货商店462

272 Park 公园464

Recreation,Games,Sport 娱乐、游戏、运动466

273 Children’s Playground 儿童园地466

274 Spa 矿泉疗养所468

275 Roulette 轮盘赌469

276 Board Games and Party Games 棋和纸牌类游戏470

277 Billiards 台球戏472

278 Camping and Caravanning(Am.Trailering) 野营和拖车旅游473

279 Surf Riding(Surfing),Skin Diving 冲浪运动、潜泳474

280 Bathing Beach 海滨浴475

281 Swimming Bath(Leisure Centre Am.Center) 游泳池476

282 Swimming 游泳478

283 Rowing and Canoeing 赛艇和皮艇480

284 Sailing(Yachting)Ⅰ 帆船运动482

285 Sailing(Yachting)Ⅱ 帆船运动484

286 Motorboats(Powerboats), Water Skiing 汽艇、水橇运动486

287 Gliding(Soaring) 滑翔运动488

288 Aerial Sports(Airsports) 航空运动490

289 Horsemanship,Equestrian Sport 马术、骑马运动492

290 Cycle Racing and Motorsports 自行车和摩托车运动494

291 Ball Games Ⅰ(Football,Association Football,Soccer) 球类运动(足球)496

292 Ball Games Ⅱ 球类运动498

293 Ball Games Ⅲ 球类运动500

294 Fencing 击剑502

295 Free Exercise 徒手体操504

296 Apparatus Gymnastics Ⅰ 器械体操506

297 Apparatus Gymnastics Ⅱ (Women’s Gymnastics) 器械体操(女子器械体操)508

298 Athletics(Track and Field Events) 田径运动510

299 Weightlifting and Combat Sports 举重和格斗运动512

300 Mountaineering 登山运动514

301 Winter Sports Ⅰ(Skiing) 冬季运动(滑雪运动)516

302 Winter Sports Ⅱ 冬季运动518

303 Winter Sports Ⅲ 冬季运动520

304 Countryside in Winter 冬季的乡村521

305 Various Sports 其他运动522

Entertainment,Culture,and Art 游艺、文化和艺术524

306 Carnival 狂欢节524

307 Circus 马戏团526

308 Fair,Fairground 集市、集市区528

309 Flea Market 旧货市场530

310 Films(Motion Pictures)Ⅰ 电影532

311 Films(Motion Pictures)Ⅱ 电影534

312 Films(Motion Pictures)Ⅲ 电影536

313 Films(Motion Pictures)Ⅳ 电影538

314 Ballet 芭蕾舞539

315 Theatre(Am.Theater)Ⅰ 剧场540

316 Theatre(Am.Theater)Ⅱ 剧场542

317 Discotheque 唱片伴舞舞厅544

318 Nightclub 夜总会545

319 Bullfighting,Rodeo 斗牛、驯马套牛546

320 Musical Notation Ⅰ 音乐记谱法548

321 Musical Notation Ⅱ 音乐记谱法550

322 Musical Instruments Ⅰ 乐器552

323 Musical Instruments Ⅱ 乐器554

324 Musical Instruments Ⅲ 乐器556

325 Musical Instruments Ⅳ 乐器558

326 Musical Instruments Ⅴ 乐器560

327 Fabulous Creatures(Fabled Beings) 寓言中的动物562

328 Prehistory 史前考古学564

329 Chivalry 骑士566

330 Church Ⅰ 教堂568

331 Church Ⅱ 教堂570

332 Church Ⅲ 教堂572

333 Art Ⅰ 艺术574

334 Art Ⅱ 艺术576

335 Art Ⅲ 艺术578

336 Art Ⅳ 艺术580

337 Art Ⅴ 艺术582

338 Artist’s Studio 画室584

339 Sculptor’s Studio 雕塑家工作室585

340 Graphic Art 刻印艺术586

341 Script Ⅰ 字体588

342 Script Ⅱ 字体590

343 Colour(Am.Color) 色彩592

344 Mathematics Ⅰ 数学594

345 Mathematics Ⅱ 数学596

346 Mathematics Ⅲ(Geometry Ⅰ) 数学 (几何)598

347 Mathematics Ⅳ(Geometry Ⅱ) 数学(几何)600

348 Mathematics Ⅴ(Sets) 数学(集合)602

349 Chemistry Laboratory Ⅰ 化学实验室603

350 Chemistry Laboratory Ⅱ 化学实验室604

351 Crystals,Crystallography 晶体、结晶学351

352 Ethnology Ⅰ 人种学608

353 Ethnology Ⅱ 人种学610

354 Ethnology Ⅲ 人种学612

355 Historical Costumes 古代服装614

Animals and Plants 动物和植物616

356 Zoo(Zoological Gardens) 动物园616

357 Invertebrates 无脊椎动物617

358 Articulates 环节动物618

359 Birds Ⅰ 鸟类620

360 Birds Ⅱ(European Bird) 鸟类(欧洲鸟类)622

361 Birds Ⅲ(Passerines) 鸟类(雀形目的鸟)624

362 Birds Ⅳ(Birds of Prey) 鸟类(猛禽)625

263 Birds Ⅴ(Exotic Birds) 鸟类(异国鸟)626

364 Fish,Amphibia,and Reptiles 鱼类、两栖纲和爬行动物628

265 Lepidoptera(Butterflies and Moths) 鳞翅目(蝶类和蛾类)630

366 Mammals Ⅰ 哺乳动物632

367 Mammals Ⅱ 哺乳动物634

368 Mammals Ⅲ 哺乳动物636

369 Deep-sea Fauna 深海动物群638

370 General Bntany 普通植物学640

371 Deciducus Trees 落叶树642

372 Conifers 针叶树644

373 Ornamental Shrubs and Trass Ⅰ 观赏的灌木和乔木646

374 Oramental Shrubs and Trees Ⅱ 观赏的灌木和乔木648

375 Meadow Flowers and Wayaide Flo-wers(Wild Flowers)Ⅰ 草地和路边花卉(野生花草)650

376 Meadow Flowers and Wayside Flo-wers(Wild Flowers)Ⅱ 草地和路边花卉(野生花草)652

377 Plants of Forest,Marsh,and Heath-land 森林、沼地和荒地植物654

378 Alpine Plants,Aquatic Plants(Wa-ter Plants),and Marsh Plants 高山、水生和沼地植物656

379 Poisonons Plants 有毒植物658

380 Medicinal Plants 药用植物660

381 Edible Fungi(Esculent Fungi) 食用真菌662

382 Tropical Plants used as Stimulants,Spices,and Flavourings(Am.Fla-vorings) 热带植物用作兴奋剂、香料和调味品664

383 Plants used in Industry 用于工业的植物666

384 Southern Fruits(Tropical,Subtro-pical,and Mediterranean Fruist) 南方水果(热带的、亚热带的和地中海地区的水果)668
