
- 谢肱一,张宝丹编译 著
- 出版社: 北京:外文出版社
- ISBN:7119044400
- 出版时间:2006
- 标注页数:239页
- 文件大小:10MB
- 文件页数:241页
- 主题词:英语-汉语-对照读物;文学-作品综合集-世界
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1.A Little Girl 小女孩 by Theodore Watts-Dunton 10
2.A Man and His Dog 一个人和他的狗 by Henry Lawson 14
3.A Red,Red Rose 红红的玫瑰 by Robert Burns 18
4.A Standard of Excellence 优秀的标准 20
5.A Working Man is a Healthy Man 工作的男人是健康的男人 by Michael Segell 24
6.Address at Gettysburg 葛提斯堡演说 by Abraham Lincoln 30
7.Address to His Troops 对部队的演说 by George Washington 32
8.Address Upon Closing a Military Career 结束军事生涯之际的演说 by Douglas Macarthur 36
9.Alfred Nobel——A Man of Contrasts 阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔——一个与众不同的人 40
10.Become More Patient 要更加耐心 44
11.Born to Win 天生成功者 by Muriel James and Dorothy Jongeward 48
12.Cleverness and Honesty 聪明与诚信 52
13.Companionship of Books 书友 by Samuel Smiles 58
14.Examinations Exert a Pernicious Influence on Education 考试对教育有极大的负面影响 by L.G.Alexander62
15.Feeding Ducks 喂鸭 by Norman MacCaig 66
16.Five Balls OfLife 生活中的五个球 by Brian G.Dyson 68
17.Gandhi:HisBeliefs 甘地:他的信仰 72
18.Giants of the Deep 深海巨兽 76
19.Two Essays 短文两篇 by Andrew A.Rooney 80
20.Happiness and Wealth 幸福与财富 by Edward Cornish 86
21.Healthy Eating 健康饮食 92
22.If I Were a Boy Again 假如再回到童年 by Theodore Watts Dunton 96
23.If There Were No After Life 假如没有来世 100
24.Inaugural Address of George W.Bush(excerpts) 小布什在总统就职仪式上的讲话(摘录) 104
25.Like Barley Bending 像大麦一样弯腰 by S.Teasdale 108
26.Love's Philosophy 爱的哲学 by P.B.Shelley 110
27.Moving Thoughts 人生随想 112
28.My Father's Shadow 父亲的影子 by Linda Ching Sledge 116
29.My Life in the Underworld 我在底层社会的生涯 by Jack London 122
30.Night 夜 by Nathanial Hawthorne 130
31.Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech 接受诺贝尔奖时的演说 by William Faulkner 134
32.Oh Mistress Mine 啊,我的姑娘 by William Shakespeare 138
33.The personal Qualities of a Teacher 教师应有的品质 by H.C.Dent 140
34.Pop Stars Certainly Earn Their Money 流行歌星们的钱赚得其所 by L.G.Alexander 144
35.Responsibility and Learning 责任与学习 by Chris Barclay 148
36.Shall We Choose Death? 我们应该选择死亡吗? by Bertrand Russell 152
37.Silver 银色 by Walter de la Mare 160
38.Sorrows of the Millionaire 百万富翁的悲哀 by George Bernard Shaw 162
39.Spring's Here—Finally 春天终于到了 by Gregory J.Rummo 168
40.Superstitious?Here's why! 为何迷信? by Julie Forsyth Batchelor Claudia de Lys 174
41.The Art of Living 生活的艺术 by J.B.Priestley 180
42.The Break-up of a Great Drought 旱情解除 by William Hale White 184
43.The Card for Wednesday 周三爱心卡 188
44.The Gift of the Magi 珍贵的礼物 by O.Henry 192
45.The Old Man and the Sea 老人与海 by Earnest Hemingway 198
46.The Power Of Silence 沉默的力量 by Stuart Vail 202
47.The Value of Time 时间的价值 by Robert William Service 208
48.The Village School 乡村小学 by Charles Dickens214
49.The Window 窗 218
50.Trees 树 by Joyce Kilmer 222
51.Tribute to the Dog 向狗致敬 by George Abraham 224
52.Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen 感恩节的两绅士 by O.Henry 228
53.What Do Parents Owe Their Children 父母欠孩子什么? byAnn Landers 234
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